In this episode of my SIms 4 Cottage Living Rags to Riches Alien challenge let’s play, everything that could go wrong… does.
My rules for this challenge are simple:
1. Hit 1,000,000 million simoleons. I forgot- I’m also doing a Scenario. Shoot. I may need to go back and edit the previous three titles lmao.
2. Live in Henford-on-Bagley
3. Build house from earnings
4. Become a flower arranger (unofficially)
5. Get married
6. Have at least two children (white picket fence dream and all that)
Our girl is looking to live that perfect dream life!
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Sims 4 Cottage Living Rags to Riches | 13 | DISASTERS ABOUND
Sims 4 Cottage Living Rags to Riches | 13 | DISASTERS ABOUND
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